Dandruff myths and realities

Dandruff is such a common scalp condition that we see with our clients - partly because there are many myths concerning its causes and how to manage it. 
Yeah, dandruff can be embarrassing and annoying, but so many people experience dandruff issues at some point in their life. 
 Keep reading to get to the root of the problem and find out myths vs. realities when it comes to dandruff...
Myth #1: Dandruff comes from having a dry scalp.
Verdict: False.
It’s actually the opposite. Having an oily scalp is more likely to lead to flakes. Malassezia are a type of fungus and they are lipophilic, which means they love the oil (sebum) your skin produces and thrive when there’s more of it. 
Myth #2: You should scratch away dandruff before washing your hair.
Verdict: False
Dislodging flakes with your fingernails or a comb is not the best strategy to get rid of dandruff. If you feel like you have to dislodge them, you may be dealing with something different than dandruff. You may have a different scalp condition. Being so harsh on you scalp can also be painful and can cause infection due to open skin. Our advice: don’t do it!
Myth #3: You should wash your hair less often if you have dandruff.
Verdict: False
Revisiting myth 1 here: being that oily scalp leads to dandruff, it is best to shampoo your hair daily. 
Myth #4: You don’t need to exfoliate your scalp.
Verdict: False.
Using an exfoliator once or twice a week will help get rid of unwanted dandruff because is lifts away flakes and helps return the rate of skin cell turnover on the scalp to a normal level. We love r+co’s Crown Scalp Scrub. The purifying and soothing scrub will detox, cleanse and re-balance your scalp and is excellent for sensitive and/or oily skin.
If following the steps above do not work for you, visit your doctor, as you may have a scalp condition such as psoriasis or eczema. 


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